My teacher was kind enough to hand me tons of information of advertising, what is conventional of advertising, and how does it alter as we target different ages/genders etc or depending on what product is being pushed.
I found some key ideas that are supposedly to be running themes throughout advertising, and seem to be effective.
"applying to my project"
This is the theory that a product can be appealing to an audience (in particular younger people - under 18's) if it's marketed as the 'newest' or most 'updated' model available, people are eager to have 'the best' and so if a product is being pitched as something particularly revolutionary or special then people desire it, as they hope to keep on trend. My magazine is new, and the 'hook' of the magazine itself is that it is offering EXCLUSIVE information/software/content that is ONLY available to those who purchase the product. This fits perfectly, as despite not being expensive the product is being presented as something unique and exclusivity is given to whoever pays (to a certain extent).
It's common for products to be backed up by evidence, the companies would pitch products and give evidence (often numerical) as to why it is specifically better than another product. It is difficult to merge information such as this into my advert without sounding 'intimidating', as it's aimed at a free-thinking and creative audience, they may find it patronising to have figures thrown in their direction, especially when the product (magazine) has no particular function that can be compared to another (fabric softener removes blahblahblah% more than leading brand..).
the idea that products can be presented in an ideal light without giving firm evidence or assurance that it does the job, and suggesting that the product contains something revolutionary that makes it different from the rest. This may be more relevant in products that are consumed or used cosmetically etc, but it could be said my magazine uses the 'magic ingredient' as it is suggesting that it is completely different from the majority of mainstream editorials that are available currently.
People find products appealing if they are exerting a love for the country in which the consumer lives, for instance..
Jack Wills clothing is displays great British Pride with it's slogan "Fabulously British"

I want to say my magazine would NOT be considered a patriotic brand/corporate identity, as it is merging with the web which in itself is the 'World Wide Web', my product is all about interacting with a variety of people from around the world, but it could be said that my magazine is patriotic in a way.. it is attempting to 'unite' the market it is targeting,
it is encouraging people to get creative and share opinions and views online, being open to debate and meeting new people. Rather than reading the rumour and fiction that often fills the tabloids and magazines available to them.
suggesting the product makes the consumer part of an elite group, displaying characters of a luxurious and glamorous lifestyle. My product does both this and the exact opposite, it insists that the consumer gains exclusivity by purchasing the magazine, gaining access to information etc that is unobtainable to those who don't, while it directly mocks people of anything other than a working class/ from a modest background.
having something to offer the consumer in exchange for their purchase, in the case of my product, it is that a voucher is available to get the first issue free.. otherwise the product is still cheap. And free gifts are also part of the purchase, with promises of more in future issues.
The suggestion that the product is of good value for ordinary people, probably one of the most important hooks to my magazine, that it is not only specifically targeting ordinary people (though web-literate), the product itself consists of the the works of normal people, making the character's put to the consumer.. relatable and likeable, making the product appealing and increasing the chance of repeat purchases and returns to the magazine website/online content.

basically, product placement.. celebrity endorsement, making the product look more appealing as the audience feels that the product must be effective/successful as the celebrity swears by it's credibility. Again, my product is the exact opposite of this.. it doesn't need celebrity endorsement as it mocks celebrities and what they represent. Although it could be argued that the product would appear more appealing as the you-tubers that it represents, have large followings and fan bases and could be considered celebrities on a lower level (Internet celebrities, simply another 'breed' of celebrity that have worked their way up using different methods, or unintentionally to such a scale).

I like to think that my advert would have both these characteristics, and the celebrities are being presented in a satirical manner, it would be good if the audience reacted in a positive way, hopefully entertained by the plot of the ad,
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