many points were raised both positive and critical, the critical i was already aware of and sahemd to say that i wasn't clever enough to correct :')
- "Really like the characters portrayed in the ad, like that the same actress has been used throughout, shame about the audio dipping at the end" Jess
- "like the variation of speeds of the video, keeps the advert exciting" Ash
- "Was a very long advert but didn't get too bored, not sure how I'd react to it if i was waiting for my programme to come on and this appeared though!" Serene
- "Very funny and interesting, and the product is different also" Jasmine
- "i don't know if it's down to you but the visual quality of the advert was very good, and the camera angles were good too, i really like the exchanged glances between the paris girl and the dog" Annie
- "I want the garbage dress! the plot is very unique and i liked it" Ryan
I then showed them the magazine cover and the response was very positive.

Ash: "this is really cute, but i'd worry that it may only attract girls who find the person on the front relatable, it may take more to encourage a guy to give it a second glance"
Serene: "The colours are really nice, it's a very warm cover, i think people would be happy to look at it, it's eye-catching"
Jasmine: "the stuff on the front seems like the sort of things i would like to read about, I LOVE AMAZING PHIL HAHAHA<3 so i'd definitely read it"
Ryan: "I agree with Ash in some respects, the issues and articles on the front would appeal to me but in a shop i would be unlikely to look at it in the first place, i gave your blog a quick read though and i agree that it'd be a good idea to have it more web-based so both genders could be approached differently"
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